2,056 research outputs found

    Auditory smiles trigger unconscious facial imitation

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    Smiles, produced by the bilateral contraction of the zygomatic major muscles, are one of the most powerful expressions of positive affect and affiliation and also one of the earliest to develop [1]. The perception-action loop responsible for the fast and spontaneous imitation of a smile is considered a core component of social cognition [2]. In humans, social interaction is overwhelmingly vocal, and the visual cues of a smiling face co-occur with audible articulatory changes on the speaking voice [3]. Yet remarkably little is known about how such 'auditory smiles' are processed and reacted to. We have developed a voice transformation technique that selectively simulates the spectral signature of phonation with stretched lips and report here how we have used this technique to study facial reactions to smiled and non-smiled spoken sentences, finding that listeners' zygomatic muscles tracked auditory smile gestures even when they did not consciously detect them

    Estrategias de aprovechamiento de las materias primas líticas en la costa oriental de Asturias (VIII-III milenios a.c.)

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    Se estudia la evolución del comportamiento de los últimos cazadores-recolectores y los primeros agricultores y ganaderos de la costa oriental de Asturias respecto al aprovisionamiento de materias primas líticas, las técnicas aplicadas para transformarlas, y sus relaciones entre sí y con las características del utillaje. Se exploran también las vinculaciones de lo anterior con las técnicas de subsistencia, la amplitud de las áreas de captación de recursos y las relaciones con otras comunidades.The aim of this paper is to analyse the evolution oft he behaviour of the last hunter-gatherers and the earliest farmers of the eastern coast of Asturias (northern Spain) with regard to the supply of lithic raw materials, the techniques used to modify them, and their relations among themselves and with the attributes of the tools. Their links with subsistence techniques, widih of resource catchment areas, and relationship with other communities are also discussed

    Las diversas representaciones de Cerbero en la literatura griega arcaica y clásica

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    La finalidad de este artículo es dar cuenta de las sucesivas evoluciones que presenta el mítico perro Cerbero, guardián de las puertas del Hades, a lo largo de la literatura griega arcaica y clásica. También se toma en consideración las características propias del género en el que es volcado, dado que afecta la forma en que es presentado y a sus peculiaridades. El análisis pormenorizado de los rasgos se desarrolla abordando los fragmentos seleccionados por orden cronológico, tomando en consideración los diferentes períodos y géneros de la literatura griega. El corpus resultante incluye textos pertenecientes a la épica, lírica, tragedia, comedia, historiografía, oratoria y filosofía.This paper considers the evolution of the myth of Cerberus, the guardian of the gates of Hades’ realm. Traces of the mythical dog can be found in various testimonies throughout the Archaic and Classical Greek literature. The article also takes into consideration the relationship between the literary genre and the aspects of the myth which are emphasized in each case. In order to follow this development, the paper offers a chronological analysis of selected texts from epic, lyric, tragedy, comedy, historiography, oratory and philosophy.Fil: Arias, Pablo Federico. Universidad Nacional de Cuy

    Juan Antonio González (Introducción, traducción, notas y comentario). Horacio. Arte Poética. Madrid, Cátedra, Clásicos Linceo, 2012, 184 pp.

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    Fil: Arias, Pablo Federico. Universidad Nacional de Cuy

    The optimal transport problem and its applications

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    Treballs finals del Màster en Matemàtica Avançada, Facultat de Matemàtiques, Universitat de Barcelona: Curs: 2022-2023. Director: Joaquim Ortega Cerdà[en] The objective of this project is to present the base of Optimal Transport Theory and some of its applications. The Optimal Transport Problem was first studied by Monge in the 18th century, and later reformulated by Kantorovich during the 20th century, being this second version the main object of study. One of the key results relating Monge’s formulation is Brenier’s theorem, which we will prove and apply to prove the Isoperimetric inequality and the Sobolev inequality. By employing a different method we will prove another classical result, the Brunn-Minkowski inequality. This essay concludes with some conditions for the two problems to have the same optimal value. The other main topic studied during this work are the Wasserstein spaces. They are a family of probability measures spaces where we use Optimal transport to construct a metric, the Wasserstein distance. A key result is that it metrizes the weak topology of these spaces